The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd

We are excited to announce the upcoming Women's Retreat at beautiful Sandy Cove in North East, Maryland on Friday, May 31 - June 2, 2024 as we glean from Psalm 23: "The Lord is MY Shepherd."

Sheep tend to go astray, they are fragile, fearful, stubborn and are incapable of living without the care of a Shepherd. They have no natural defenses and can easily fall prey to the enemy. If a sheep gets lost it has no ability to find its way back to the fold until the Shepherd 'leaves the ninety-nine and goes after the one which is lost until he finds it.' (Luke 15:4).

A shepherd's primary job is to protect their flock and meet their needs.Thus, the heart of Psalm 23 is that God protects and cares for His people.

It's nice to think of the Lord as a Shepherd, but it is life changing to know Him as "MY" Shepherd.

We invite women of all ages to join us, along with our guest speaker Sandy MacIntosh, for a time of worship, fellowship and an in-depth look at Psalm 23, to deepen our understanding and enlarge our hearts for the Good Shepherd of our souls!

We look forward to our time together in His presence!

Our guest speaker, Sandy MacIntosh has been happily married for 53 years and served as a Pastor's wife for 41 years at Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego. She has five children, twenty grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Her passion is to equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost. With her love for the Lord and her unique sense of humor and energetic personality, she has captivated hearts and encouraged pastors’ wives and women across the United States and internationally.

Title: The Lord Is My Shepherd
Speaker: Sandy Macintsoh
Date: 5/31/2024
Scripture: Psalm 23
Item #: WR2024
Bridging The Gap Christian Radio Program with Pastor Lloyd Pulley