Reign, Rebellion and Retribution...
Reign, Rebellion and Retribution...

As seen in the title, this message is comprised of three parts; the reign of Messiah, the rebellion against the king of kings, and the King’s swift retribution. Pastor Jason Falzarano begins with the three positions on the millennial reign of Christ. Dr. Jay contrasts and compares the thrones mentioned in reference to the Davidic covenant and then in Acts 1 and here in Revelation where the Messiah Jesus rules and reigns from the heavenly throne. True faith verses works, original sin, the millennial reign, Jesus’ atonement for sin and more are all part of this message from Revelation 20. 2 Sam 7:12-17 and 23:5-6, Acts 1:6-9, Isa 52:11, Eph 5:11, James 2:14-18.

Title: Reign, Rebellion and Retribution...
Speaker: Pastor Jason Falzarano
Date: 8/21/2024
Scripture: Revelation 20
Item #: 9099
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