He Who Was, Is, and Is to Come
He Who Was, Is, and Is to Come
Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8). Jesus came as a lowly child in a manger (He who was), He resurrected from the dead and lives today (He who is), and will come again to receive us unto Himself (He who is to come). Join Pastor Lloyd for this celebration of Jesus, He who was, is, and is to come!
Title: He Who Was, Is, and Is to Come
Item #: TS018
TS018-CDS: 3 CD Set ($11.00)
TS018-MP3: 3 MP3's on 1 CD ($5.00)
TS018-USB (FlashDrive) ($5.00)
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Join Pastor Lloyd for this celebration of Him Who Was, and Is, and Is to Come, the Lord Jesus.