7/1/07 (Sun.) Pastor Lloyd Pulley
7/1/07 (Sun.) Pastor Lloyd Pulley
The Olympic games represent a grand tradition held globally by each country that participates. It's a time when all differences are put aside and we join to compete and cheer on our country. The ceremony of the torch was actually a race the Greeks had in the original Olympics. Except, it wasn't a race to see who finished first. No, the winner was the one who finished with his torch still lit! - a race of perseverance. In our lives as Christians, we should strive to finish with our torch still lit. Today on Bridging the Gap we come to Hebrews chapter eleven verses thirty two through thirty four, looking at the great men of faith in the bible.
Title: The Weak Become Strong by Faith
Speaker: Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Date: 7/1/2007
Scripture: Hebrews 11:32-34
Item #: 1751
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By Faith
Join Pastor Lloyd for this verse-by-verse study through the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.

Bridging The Gap Christian Radio Program with Pastor Lloyd Pulley