A Higher Calling: A Higher Purpose
A Higher Calling: A Higher Purpose
When we received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, we were not only saved from sin and death, but we were all saved to bear fruit and bring glory to God. We each have a calling upon our lives, and we are to fulfill the purpose for which we each have been created.

In Scripture we find great, and sometimes not-so-great, examples of men and women who were called by God to do great and mighty things. Some of these examples, like Gideon, had humble beginnings and yet were used mightily of God. Others, like Samson, had great callings and great gifts, and yet behaved foolishly and reaped difficult consequences.

Join Pastor Lloyd for this study on Biblical greats in Judges and Joshua, and learn how you too can fulfill your higher calling and higher purpose!

Title: A Higher Calling: A Higher Purpose
Speaker: Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Date: 3/26/2008
Scripture: Assorted Scriptures
Item #: TS409
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Join Pastor Lloyd for this 
study on Biblical greats in 
Judges and Joshua, and learn 
how you too can fulfill your 
higher calling and higher 