The Early Church is Born: A Study in Acts 1-3
The Early Church is Born: A Study in Acts 1-3
Before His death and resurrection, Jesus promised His followers that the Father would send the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, to teach them all things and remind them of everything He taught them (John 14:26). In the first three chapters of Acts, we see the fulfillment of that extraordinary promise. Here we find Peter and the apostles being filled with the Holy Spirit, and proclaiming Jesus with power. Are you walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and sharing your faith with power, as the early church did? Join Pastor Lloyd for this in-depth study in Acts 1-3, and learn how you too can be filled with the Spirit, and be a strong witness for the Lord in your world.
Title: The Early Church is Born: A Study in Acts 1-3
Item #: TS305
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