Do You Believe This? Jesus: The Resurrection And The Life!
Do You Believe This? Jesus: The Resurrection And The Life!

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the Christian faith is a foolish fantasy. However, if the resurrection of Christ did occur, it confirms His life, message, and atoning work. It is the basis of our hope of life beyond the grave. Christ is alive, and the evidence is overwhelming, as we'll see here on this Good Friday installment of Bridging the Gap with Pastor Lloyd Pulley.

Title: Do You Believe This? Jesus: The Resurrection And The Life!
Speaker: Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Date: 3/31/2013
Scripture: Various Scriptures
Item #: 5425
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Do You Believe This?
In 2013, Pastor Lloyd tackled these questions in his messages on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, Join him as he explores these passages, and discover for yourself the power of living in light of the resurrection.

Bridging The Gap Christian Radio Program with Pastor Lloyd Pulley