Christian Growth and Development
Christian Growth and Development

What is the primary role of the church?

The purpose of the church, put simply, is to make disciples. In Matthew 18:19, Jesus commissions His disciples to, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations." From the pastor in the pulpit to the believer in the seats, from the servant in the soup kitchen to the Christian man in the corporate world, from the student in the university to the mother teaching her children - the purpose of the church, the body of Christ, is to make disciples.

In this important series, Pastor Lloyd addresses various aspects of that process of becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He addresses the love of God towards His people and how we are to live that out to others. He addresses the importance of fellowship in the life of a disciple, of marriage as a picture of Christ and His disciples, of serving the King, and much more.

This series includes some of the most important messages for individual Christians and the body of Christ as a whole!

Title: Christian Growth and Development
Item #: TS043
TS043-CDS ($21.00)
TS043-MP3 ($10.00)
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In this important series, Pastor Lloyd, addresses various aspects of that process of becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.