Revival (New Series)
Revival (New Series)

Revival can come to our church when God's leaders decide they're going to start doing things God's way. They're not going to compromise. They're not going to cut corners. They're not going to be double-minded or half-hearted. They made the decision to serve God with devotion, with single- mindedness, and with whole-heartedness. When the leaders of God's people step up and start doing things in a righteous way, then revival can come to His people.

In his series on revival, Pastor Lloyd examines the state of God's church today, and how we can humble ourselves and be in a position to hear from God should He bring revival again.

Do not miss this unique series, and as you listen, seek God for revival in your own life and in the lives of the church of Jesus Christ!

Title: Revival (New Series)
Speaker: Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Date: 6/25/2014
Item #: TS205
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