01/11/15 (Sun.) Pastor Lloyd Pulley
01/11/15 (Sun.) Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Today we'll bring another message in our series looking back at the most requested messages from 2015. Joel's message was simple - a prophetic warning about what awaits those who reject the salvation from sin offered by Christ's death on the cross. It's not a pleasant picture at all. Why would anyone willing go through the pain and torture of God's wrath? Here's some encouraging and challenging words from our teacher, Pastor Lloyd Pulley.

Title: Thinking Eternally, Acting Presently
Speaker: Pastor Lloyd Pulley
Date: 1/11/2015
Scripture: Various Scriptures
Item #: 5478
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Most Requested 2015
Enjoy this compilation of Pastor Lloyd's most requested messages, delivered at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge throughout 2015.

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